[CQ-Contest] Dayton and the forum issues

Zack Widup w9sz at prairienet.org
Thu Jun 9 08:42:14 EDT 2005

Wow, MAL, what a great post!  You brought bhack memories, too.  I'd 
forgotten all about SAROC.  I remember when I was a new ham as a teenager 
all the locals were going to SAROC as the place to go.  I never got to go 
there.  I also remember their ads in QST and 73 Magazine.

73, Zack W9SZ

On Thu, 9 Jun 2005, N7MAL wrote:

> Lets take a step back in history. At one time there was a West Coast hamfest held in Las Vegas, it was called SAROC. You talk about politics, whiners, and complainers it had them all. I was an exhibitor at the last SAROC, in the 70's, and I was also an exhibitor that same year at Dayton. Dayton is still alive and reasonably healthy while SAROC is long gone dead and buried.
> My point being the whiners and complainers and rumor mongers ruined SAROC. Instead of being positive and helpful the whiners and complainers and rumor mongers got on their various soapboxes demanding a boycott  and killed the hamfest.
> It sounds like Dayton needs a little tweaking to fix things not a bunch of threats or a bunch of criticism. From almost every report, I hear, Visalia doesn't need any help.
> Suggesting boycotting is what killed SAROC and boycotting will kill Dayton. If you have suggestions for improving Dayton or Visalia why not contact them directly and make your ideas known. Keep in mind most-likely Dayton was around before you were a ham, so start out small and with respect.
> MAL              N7MAL
> http://www.ctaz.com/~suzyq/N7mal.htm

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