[CQ-Contest] Bill Windle Operating Event

Brian Lambert brian at n1ik.com
Thu Jun 9 09:01:07 EDT 2005



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Brian, N1IK

-----Original Message-----
From: cq-contest-bounces at contesting.com
[mailto:cq-contest-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of R Johnson
Sent: Wednesday, June 08, 2005 10:16 PM
To: Jim George; cq-contest at contesting.com
Cc: KZ5D at aol.com
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] Bill Windle Operating Event

OK, I give up. What does FOC stand for ???

I Googled FOC 6 ways from Sunday and didn't come with anything to do with
Ham Radio.

Just a suggestion, if you use a non-common expression or nickname, it would
be nice if the full name was mentioned just once in the message.
FOC, Fiends on Crack or whatever !!!

TNX es 73
Still Googling
Bob, K1VU

At 21:35 6/8/2005, Jim George wrote:
>A final quickie reminder.  The Bill Windle Operating event will be this 
>Here's a brief summary:
>The June Bill Windle QSO Party
>FOC open invitation to all CW ops:
>Stations call CQ BW. This is an operating event, not a contest.
>Duration:   24 hours. 0000Z to 2359Z on Saturday, June 11, 2005.
>FOC members -  To make as many different "Windle" QSOs as possible.
>VHF bands are included but WARC bands are excluded. Members are 
>encouraged to work non-members to encourage CW activity.
>Non-Members -  To contact as many FOC members as possible on all 
>amateur bands including VHF. However, the WARC bands are excluded.
>Exchange:   For FOC members: RST, Name, & FOC Number (usually a 3 or 4 
>digit number).
>                   Non-members: RST & Name
>This is the minimum info to exchange. Everyone is encouraged to have at 
>least a mini-chat with other stations.
>Frequencies:    CW portions of all appropriate bands, from 015 to 040.
>                        Top Band: Avoid the DX Window
>Activity Reports:
>FOC members -  Report total QSOs and total FOC QSOs, counted once per 
>band. For example:
>302/177 where the first number would be total QSOs, followed by the 
>total FOC member QSOs.
>Non-Members -  Report total QSOs with FOC members, counted once per 
>No logs, no verification required; we are only using the honor system. 
>No awards as this is not a contest. Send your report to: KZ5D at aol.com 
>no later than June 18, 2005.
>An alphabetical listing by call signs of the activity reports will be 
>prepared and distributed by email to all non-members.
>73,  Jim N3BB
>CQ-Contest mailing list
>CQ-Contest at contesting.com

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