[CQ-Contest] Dayton soon to be world's #2 hamfest

Ken Claerbout k4zw at hotmail.com
Mon Jun 13 15:55:53 EDT 2005

  There are probably two things at play here.  As evidenced during DX 
contests the past couple of years, Europe has a whole new batch of hams 
resulting from a revamped licensing structure.  I’ll bet they bring a lot of 
enthusiasm to an event like Friedrichshafen.  Remember when we were first 
getting started?  Many of them are right there in Germany.
  As for venue, I’m in the camp that feels Hara is a real dump and the event 
is in need of a makeover (the sooner the better).  I suspect many attendees 
have become comfortable with the surroundings and really haven’t given much 
thought as to how outdated they have become.  It’s kind of like the guy who 
shows up to church in a suit that should have been thrown out 10 years ago.

Ken K4ZW

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