[CQ-Contest] The Woodpecker is back!

VR2BrettGraham vr2bg at harts.org.hk
Tue Jun 14 03:11:50 EDT 2005

ZL4BR in his 3830 post for ANARTS RTTY contest at:



>A low-side of the weekend, was the OTHR QRM problem on 40m, (which lost me 
>a lot
>of contacts), which over the past few months is increasing to real annoying
>levels on 40m and 80m, due I believe in part to the commissioning of a new 
>system in Australia. In the evenings the OTHR signals are S8/9 on 6990-7070kHz

Over-the-horizon radar intruders in primary & exclusive allocations
to the amateur service per the ITU Radio Regulations have returned.

And this time it's not the USSR!

Watch 40, 20, 17 & 15m from CQ zones 20, 29 & 30.

Please report any QTF to me.  IARU Monitoring Service is already
working on one & we're close to going forward with the other.

If the bands are dead, Google for "Pluto II" or "JORN" & read up
on who has joined North Korea as electromagnetic pariah states
(Radio Pyongyang lays waste to most of the low end of 20m from

Frank's QSN is the first I was aware of JORN being on 80 - we
have been told it is not on 40.  Pluto is also not supposed to use the
amateur bands, but apparently we are being deliberately targeted.

If anyone hears what sounds like the Woodpecker on some sort
of stimulant, please spot with call "RADAR" along with QTF -
Bush gave us BPL, but Blair & Howard are much more dangerous
(at least for the rest of the world, as strange as that seems to
say ;^).  Maybe there are others...

Those running clusters are encouraged to allow QSNs for RADAR,
if non-amateur calls in spots are filtered.

Contact me directly for a recording of one of these new Woodpeckers.


73, VR2BrettGraham
(now trying to remember if I brought an AEA WB-1 over with me ;^)

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