[CQ-Contest] Summary of links: Morse code practice on the iPod?

SJ W3TX superberthaguy at adelphia.net
Wed Mar 23 13:54:50 EST 2005

Thanks for the many links I received regarding cw mp3 files.  I downloaded
most of them, placed them into a "cw practice" library within the iTunes
program, and started enjoying cw practice while exercising at the gym.

Now I can do something useful on the stair machine instead of being forced
to watch those trashy talk shows or negative newscasts. And to add to the
delight, the extraneous noise in the gym is like instant qrm, which only
adds to the challenge of copying cw "in your head".

here is a summary of suggested links:

http://www.ac6v.com/ (this is the only one I have not been to, yet)

Best regards, Scott W3TX

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