[CQ-Contest] 14.300 MHz

Ken Claerbout K4ZW at Staffnet.com
Mon Mar 28 22:01:50 EST 2005

   People tend to lose sight of the fact that anyone venturing onto 20
meters during a phone contest is likely to experience a challenge.  The
14300 crew certainly cannot claim they are any worse off than other users of
the band.  More than once I've torn my headphones off in frustration and
questioned my sanity for voluntarily subjecting myself to the noise that is
20 SSB during a contest.  That's what happens with a shared resource.
Analogies of a bus, subway, or highway during rush hour come to mind.  Hey
it gets crowded at times!  Learn to cope with it or go elsewhere.
   The last time this flap came up, I decided to listen to the 14300 group
so I could get a better understanding of what they do.  I continue to tune
in at times if I'm working around the shack.  The time I've spent listening
has left me with the following impressions:
1.) Net control and relay stations often have difficulties picking up people
or relaying messages.  They say they cannot hear the station.  More often
than not these stations are Q5 here clear on the other side of the room with
an external speaker.
2.) Net control stations often stumble when dealing with situations where
multiple stations call at the same time during check in.  If it isn't QRM
free and orderly, they have a hard time processing information.
3.) Very little traffic gets passed.  It seems like more of a social
gathering, not that there is anything wrong with that.

    The next time you're hanging around the shack, take a listen to 14300
and draw your own conclusions.
   As for me, I still contend that should I ever encounter an emergency
situation such as being stranded at sea and I need to rely on Amateur Radio,
I'll gladly take a contest weekend.  I figure my chances are pretty darn
good with all those big stations spread across the amateur spectrum and
operators who are skilled at passing information often times in less than
ideal band conditions.

Ken K4ZW

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