[CQ-Contest] e qsl

Rex Maner k7qq at netzero.net
Mon May 2 22:47:48 EDT 2005

On this one I have to agree with Bill,  I'm not purfect in my typing and 
also not purfect in my copy.  Under DXpedition conditions I fully feel 
that if a call is off by one letter or  5 minutes in the log there has 
to be a problem on 1 end or the other.  Anyone can have the clock off by 
5 or 10 minutes,  AT which point is a valid contact now no longer good.
I will never have this for a problem becauz  I don't have  a DXCC Toilet 
paper roll for plans to persue one.   If a call is off by one letter in 
the  Expedition log by 1 letter it still is a good call in My book.

Bill Turner wrote:

>You apparently have never had YOUR call busted by a once-in-a-lifetime 
>DXpedition. If I am the DX station and I get your QSL card with time, date, 
>mode and band right and the call off by one letter, I will assume it's my 
>fault and I WILL QSL. To do otherwise would be cruel and unusual 
>punishment. :-)
>Bill, W6WRT
>Original Message:
>At 10:15 AM 5/2/2005, w2nra at optonline.net wrote:
>>You don't!  A busted call is a busted QSO!  If a station does not get your 
>>call right, you are N.I.L. and that is the way it's supposed to be.  If 
>>you had sent YV0D a card from W9SZ with a SASE and the YV0D had your 
>>callsign in his log as W9HZ, you'd get your own card back in the mail 
>>marked N.I.L. and maybe a note saying he's sorry.  Why should it be 
>>different with any other means of QSLing?

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