[CQ-Contest] CW on tonight show

Scott Neader KA9FOX ka9fox at qth.com
Sat May 14 12:48:12 EDT 2005

If any of you didn't catch the cell phone text messaging versus CW 
competition last night on the Tonight Show, I captured the file with a new 
video card I have in my PC, then converted to a couple different 
formats.  Never done this before, so I'm sure there is room for improvement.

Anyway, I have them available via my home Internet connection:


There are 3 files... the 3mb file is pretty low quality, but for any of you 
dialup users, it may be a good option.  The other two are 22mb and 91mb 
(the original MPG file)

Enjoy!  Long live CW!!  C U Dayton!

73 - Scott KA9FOX

At 10:19 PM 5/12/2005 -0400, you wrote:
>Tomorrow, Friday May 13th, the Tonight Show will feature a message
>sending/receiving contest between a cell phone text messaging team and a
>morse code team. The morse code team will consist of Chip Margelli, K7JA
>and Ken Miller, K6CTW. The Tonight Show people called the store yesterday
>to see if we could come up with two fast morse operators. Chip and Ken do
>a lot of contests and DXpeditions. Joe Drago, props manager for the show is

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