[CQ-Contest] What to log?

Alan Zack k7acz at cox.net
Wed May 18 21:25:02 EDT 2005

I hope all the stations I worked in various contests didn't get dinged 
when I was signing DU1/K6ACZ while in the Philippines!
I can't get a DU call unless I have a permanent residents visa card so 
must sign portable.

Gerry Hull wrote:

> Hi Brett,
> You said:
> "Of 15423 raw W & VE calls, 17 are Ws in VE or vice versa.  Of the
> 7 VEs in W, all calls are correct.  Of the 10 Ws in VE, half of the calls
> are incorrect (must be call/VE#, not VE#/call)."
> Well, actually, it's perfectly valid to sign, for example, VE1/W1VE or
> W1VE/VE1 (Not for me, since I hold a Canadian license also.)
> The W1VE/VE1 is the generally accepted method and arrangement between the US
> and Canada.  The VE1/W1VE form is the CEPT method.
> The US still prefers VE1RM/W1, for example.   However, I bet the FCC would
> not have a hissy if someone signed  the form W1/VE1RM (I might!).
> In fact, I've heard lots of Canadians on the air from the US using the CEPT
> form.
> Therefore, these are all valid callsigns, and the contest software is smart
> enough to know what country the station is actually in.
> 73,
>>From the rac website, http://www.rac.ca/regulatory/rcip.htm
> "There is no need for paperwork or other formalities when exchanging visits
> between Canada and the United States. Under the terms of the agreement, the
> visitor should give his or her call sign and location, e.g. VE3FRS/W9 or
> N9CFX/VE3. However, it is unlikely that anyone would complain if the form
> VE3/N9CFX were used."
> -----Original Message-----
> From: cq-contest-bounces at contesting.com
> [mailto:cq-contest-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of VR2BrettGraham
> Sent: Tuesday, May 17, 2005 9:20 PM
> To: cq-contest at contesting.com
> Subject: [CQ-Contest] What to log?
> K5ZD's release of the latest SCP file gave me a chance to look at this.
> I go through the file, as there are a lot of duplicates in it (whether USA
> station having to sign /something for some contests, or the apparently
> outdoor-loving SP5s, as seemingly half of them appear a second time as /5
> ;^).  And there is the occasional N02R (instead of NO2R), too.
> Of 15423 raw W & VE calls, 17 are Ws in VE or vice versa.  Of the
> 7 VEs in W, all calls are correct.  Of the 10 Ws in VE, half of the calls
> are incorrect (must be call/VE#, not VE#/call).
> What should you do?  Some of these are probably like FM/TO4A, but when
> somebody calls you & you know that's not a valid call, what to do?
> Closest thing to this I can think of is YU4.  VR2BG master log of some 125k
> Qs has 36 YU4s in it, of which 24 were in a contest.
> This is from 1999 to present & I see I still am working the occasional
> YU4 even in 2005.  I went through all the log check files I have & I don't
> see loosing any YU4 Qs.
> As I understand it, YU4s really shouldn't count - but I still work them.
> Although some may argue that portable front-or-rear is a minor issue, the
> callsign for W<>VE operation is clear - must be portable-on-the-end.
> Log what he should be sending or log what he actually sent?
> Interestingly, the best example I can find is 1Z9A - who was flagged as an
> incorrect zone (I logged the 31 sent), but so far, no penalties for
> instances of logging-what-was-sent-although-I-know-better best I can tell.
> 73, VR2BrettGraham


Alan Zack
Amateur Radio Station K7ACZ
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
Quality Engineer, The Boeing Company, Retired
Aviation Chief Warrant Officer, U.S. Coast Guard, Retired
U.S. Coast Guard, Always Ready, Always There
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