[CQ-Contest] Sleep deprivation

Lawrence Stoskopf stoskopf at tri.net
Tue May 24 17:11:08 EDT 2005

An old thread:  The latest issue of the Anesthesia Patient Safety 
Foundation, listed on the WEB as (appropriately) the Sprint issue is focused 
on Fatigue and the Practice of Anesthesiology. 


Unfortunately they did not post the article on Performance-Enhancing Drugs.
Provigil (modafinil) is included in the discussion. 


There is a quote from a DARPA website that, "Sleep deprivation is a fact of 
modern combat.  Current operations depend on a warfighter's ability to 
function for extended periods of time without adequate sleep". 

The article concludes, "For performance-enhancing drugs, presently there is 
no rational code, but there is a clear coda:  the genie is out of the 

A later article is titled:  "Cure for the Dopey Doc?" 

So, would you dislike losing to someone on a relatively harmless boost.  
Would you dislike missing a rare DX because he took a nap rather than 
hanging on for "a few more"? 


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