[CQ-Contest] Phonetics

W3DMB@aol.com W3DMB at aol.com
Thu Nov 3 06:56:17 EST 2005

Hi Tom,
Actually - They (Able, Baker, Charlie... ) were the US  Military standard 
phoenetics  Before the mid 50s.  They were changed  after joint operations with 
NATO in 1950 revealed a problem with the  different allies..  I remember the 
changeover.. even though I had a CW year  as an early Novice when I had no Ham 
need for it..    [ ss check  55]
and BTW - Why is phonetics not spelled with an "F"   ??
Jerry - W3DMB  -  [ Denmark Mexico  Brazil  - when the standard doesn't work ]
In a message dated 11/2/05 10:51:15 PM Eastern Standard Time,  
w7why at verizon.net writes:

> Why  don't WE as contesters come up with a UCP (list of >"Universal 
>  CONTESTER  Phonetics") that can solve most of the >problems?

Hi  Rick

I remember some ham phoenetics that used to work pretty  good.  They started 
out with:
Able, Baker, Charlie, Dog, Easy,  Fox, George, Henry, Ida, etc etc.  Remember 
those?  They were  HAM phoenetics.  73

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