[CQ-Contest] WW SSB - the corruptive influence of packet

W0MU w0mu at w0mu.com
Sat Nov 5 10:32:22 EST 2005

The point is there is a choice.  You can choose to use packet or not.
Nobody is forcing anyone to use it.  You have the same choice with rigs,
antennas, logging programs etc.  You choose the technology you want to use.

Packet was designed for contesters to maximize their scores.  It grew from
small clusters to a world wide network.  Now it is used for Dxing, 6m
openings, VHF, UHF, EME etc.  The beautiful thing is that there are filters
that allow you to see as much or a little data as you want.  

Time in today's society is valuable.  Packet allows some hams the
opportunity to spend more time in other activities or with the family and
when something comes on they need they will know about it.  Lots of casual
ops will use packet to work all sweepstakes sections so they can get their
sweep mugs and similar awards.  

Since some people run more than the legal power allowed, should ban
amplifiers?.  To take it further since some people speed in cars and break
laws we should ban all cars?  We don't outlaw matches because they can start
fires, we arrest those that use the matches to commit crimes.

Cheaters will continue to cheat.  They cheat themselves and when exposed
they lose all respectability.  Stations running illegal power, Telephones
used to schedule contest contacts, Antennas or transmitters outside the
define areas, rubber clocking are just a few infractions that I know of over
my 20 some years in contesting.

As a node owner, I want people to use the node.  If the users want to post
practice contacts, great!  If they want to post XE or VE stations, Great!
If they want to post 6m openings, Great! If you don't like way the clusters
are run, find another cluster system or create one with your rules and

If you believe that certain stations are cheating inform the appropriate
contest committees of why you think so and let them handle it.

Have fun!  See you in the SS

Mike W0MU

-----Original Message-----
From: cq-contest-bounces at contesting.com
[mailto:cq-contest-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of Andrei Nevis
Sent: Friday, November 04, 2005 10:05 PM
To: Kelly Taylor; SGT Korey Chandler; CQ-CONTEST at contesting.com
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] WW SSB - the corruptive influence of packet

That's was a real FUN as you say.
I was QRV as V49A last weekend - countryside village in Nevis Island - NO
Internet at all, ZERO.
I forgot already how to work without Internet, shame on me.
Well, it took me a couple of hours to forget about darn Internet and... I
had FUN, working like 10, 15, 20 years ago, before blessed Al Gore invented
that stuff.. (:) Follow me guys, TURN OFF internet, throw away packet... and
work on the air... forget assisted categories... who can Thanks 73's Andrei

Kelly Taylor <ve4xt at mts.net> wrote:
It always amazes me when someone takes a realistic look at the facts of
life, that packet operators do not answer to CQ-Contest, and is attacked for
having a bad attitude.

All the power to someone who is able to convince the packet networks to shut
down, but sniping from the cheap seats isn't going to do it. The genie's out
of the bottle. All the griping in the world isn't going to put it back in.

Instead of whining about it here, why not begin a campaign to convince
contest organizers to disallow packet? Start a petition. Organize rallies in
front of ARRL HQ. Write your congressman.

I'm not advocating for or against packet. Just pointing out that unless
someone takes concrete action, all the whining in the world isn't going to
stop it.

73, kelly

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