[CQ-Contest] Proposed Rule Change - CQWW PHONE

Steve GW4BLE GW4BLE at btconnect.com
Sat Nov 5 13:12:25 EST 2005

To those who have already replied (and others who may have similar

Yes, I see my proposal as somewhat of a compromise, but at least if this
move is taken on board by the CQ committee it will go some way to sort the
mess we currently have.

To clarify - - European IARU Region I stations must *not* call solicit
contacts (i.e. call CQ), this does not mean they cannot reply to DX stations
heard operating in that segment, or (say) replying to stations transmitting
outside that segment and listening for stations within it.

I am not naive enough to think that everyone will abide to this ruling,
there are many arrogant people who have no regard to *any* rules, BUT if
this is specifically added to the rules of the CQWW contest it should go
some way to alleviating the problems that currently exist. 


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