[CQ-Contest] CQing is only for big guns - NOT! (Was QRPers)

Kelly Taylor ve4xt at mts.net
Tue Nov 8 22:00:01 EST 2005

Considering I'm a peanut whistle in the worst way, 100 watts into an MA5B at
30 feet and an HF6V on the ground, and was still able to run quite well on
the weekend, hitting rates of 84, 72 and 96 an hour, I simply can't agree
that running is only for the big guns.

Considering a recent ARRL DX CW low power record was set with just an R8, I
simply can't agree that running is only for the big guys.

Considering that three years ago, I placed fifth in ARRL SS Phone LP from a
station with only one tower only 42 feet high... I think you get my point.

In SS last weekend, I pulled down 319 Qs on 40 with just my Butterstick in
the mud.

The vast majority of my 627 Qs were from CQing.

Anybody can run. Just ask any of the Q-class guys on the weekend who did.

If you believe you can't do something, you will prove yourself right.

73, kelly
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "James Cain" <cainjim at mindspring.com>
To: <cq-contest at contesting.com>
Sent: Tuesday, November 08, 2005 8:24 AM
Subject: [CQ-Contest] QRPers

> I think giving extra SS points for working "QRP" stations is a bad idea.
Since most "QRPers" answer CQs, this change would give even more advantage
to those big guns who can call CQ and run stations. It would widen the gap
between the Haves and the Have-Nots. This proposal would not in any way
encourage more QRP stations to get on for the contest and would just add
another layer of scoring bureaucracy. It would also encourage "QRPers" to
call CQ and sign "/QRP," one of the most aggravating things to hit the bands
since single-sideband.
> On an unrelated matter, I found it hard to fall asleep Sunday night after
the SS, with "di di dit di di dit" playing over and over in my head. When I
finally did drop off, a dream -- a nightmare -- kept recurring in my
subconscious. I was correctly typing exchange information into CT but the
software was putting the info into the wrong fields. When I went back to
somebody CT sent his serial number instead of his call sign. And of course
when I tried to ENTER a QSO, CT blew up, with INVALID messages.
> Yikes.
> Dr. Freud
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