[CQ-Contest] Fw: Competitor Friendly Contesting

Richard DiDonna NN3W NN3W at prodigy.net
Sat Nov 12 01:04:27 EST 2005

Surely you jest...

73 Rich NN3W (age 32)

--- Original Message ---
From: "k7qq" <k7qq at netzero.net>
To: "CQ-CONTEST" <cq-contest at contesting.com>
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Fw:  Competitor Friendly 

>Leave it to some  22 year old Kid to say  no big deal 
48 hours.  Wait around
>sonny boy and when you hid 73 I suspect that the 
attude will change.   I
>haven't even tried a full 48 hrs All band in 15 
years ,  just some single
>band effort and even then 10 or 15 meters.  I gotta 
have my beauty rest.
>----- Original Message ----- 
>From: "Hrvoje Horvat" <hrle at ipazin.net>
>To: "contesting.com submital" <cq-
Contest at contesting.com>
>Sent: Friday, November 11, 2005 21:44
>Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] Competitor Friendly 
>> I vote for 48 hours contesting since we have only 
few such contests a
>> I think there was a poll about this years ago?! 
Maybe time to repeat it
>> see if some changes happened since?
>> I think it's your choice if you'd like to spend 
hour or two off and maybe
>> make next 10 hours more efficient. Part of the 
strategy I would say. And
>> this way you always want to push yourself to the 
maximum - which can as
>> be deadly. I once crashed after 33 hours and woke 
up 10 hours later which
>> was end of my serious effort.
>> Argument that we're getting old is sad and should 
not be valid for our
>> If we think and keep on saying that we're getting 
older and going in that
>> direction that's just one step away from shutting 
off hamradio.
>> Hrle - 9A6XX
>> Age: 22
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