[CQ-Contest] 40M expansion?

Lawrence Stoskopf stoskopf at tri.net
Wed Nov 16 15:46:25 EST 2005

Going to double post this to the top band reflector also: 

 From the British ShortWaveMagazine: 

In a short note on p. 12 of the Nov05 issue: 

"..... www.drmradio.co.uk  ... This site .... highlights that in order for 
DRM to provide near f.m quality it will actually require 18 kHz bandwidth 
rather than the 9 kHz often quoted.  This will inevitablyh lead to pressure 
to increase the spectrum allocated to broadcast services. 

  This could come about through an expansion of upper limit of the Medium 
Wave band from 1611 to 1790kHz and increases in the s.w. Broadcast Bands. 
Such developments will make it harder for Radio Amateurs to achieve a 
7000-7300kHz world-wide allocation.  If the Medium Wave band was extended to 
1790KHz it could impact on Amateur 1.8MHz away at 1810 (sic.)." 


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