[CQ-Contest] 24 hour contest

DL8MBS prickler.schneider at t-online.de
Sun Nov 20 09:14:26 EST 2005

Hello Doug et al.,
about your posting with
 >You can post scores on 3830 (include the hours) and look there or 
exchange emails – or, as in the olde days, do on the air! >You can 
contact those with whom you want to compete in a “same somehow limited” 

That sounds a bit unpractical - as well as three "time categories" per 
each existing category. Before talking about every rule detail: a great 
start would be simply to notify the hours of operation in the results 
table, not only at 3830 but with the final results of every participant. 
It would be the first time comparing apples with apples behind the 
"lucky few" with 48 hours. I´m sure that information alone will 
stimulate competition because it allows a real comparison of results and 
it creates "categories" automatically as either the magazine or 
online-readers can copy&paste their "24-hour-category" or whatever 
informal category. Side-effect: there will be a clear sight how many 
participants can afford how many hours of operation... With all respect 
to the kings of marathon (and most everyone of us more or less crazy 
contesters wishes to run behind them on the same distance) I suppose an 
overwhelming number of entries will be around the 24-hours-region as it 
is determined by everyday life in an amateur sport.

According to this numbers every sponsor can create official categories 
as he wants and there is enough resonance. I suppose it will be limited 
to allband-entries (24-h-160m-SSB-qrpers will still gain a new and real 
comparison but not a printed table with their scores only - until they 
develop to a big group).
Once a definition of off- and on-times is fixed (by the organizer) it 
don´t seem too difficult for me to implement it in the logchecking 
software as logging programs already can calculate on-times (with their 
definition). The mileage may vary but perhaps 15 min without qso is an 
off-time (you see I come from qrp...). Every single qso in that time 
(picking of rare-ones is of course an important part of big contests) 
counts as 3 or five minutes - as may come out either by discussion or 
definiton by the organizer.

So again: time-facts first, then see the resonance and then the ducks, 
pardon categories, may get in a row.
But that´s IMHO and supposedly not as elaborate as N4ZR had already 
73 and see you on te bands, Chris (DL8MBS)

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