[CQ-Contest] Competitor Friendly Contesting

Gerard Lynch gerrylynch at freenetname.co.uk
Sun Nov 20 09:52:43 EST 2005

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Clive Whelan" <clive.whelan at btinternet.com>

> In reality there is a number of first class contests which run for 24Hours
> ( Russian DX) or 36 of 48( WAE),

Russian DX is a great contest and becoming bigger and better every year; 
IOTA and IARU are also 24 hour only events and both attract plenty of 
activity.  I realise that the first two of these clearly aren't as popular 
in North America as they are in Europe or Asia... however there's a pretty 
simple remedy for that problem.

Didn't the leading Multi/Single in RDXC last year make something like 4,500 
QSOs?  ~180/hr sounds like pretty good rate to me.

I'm amazed at how many people really want to *win* contests; personally, 
knowing I have a relatively poor station means I challenge myself, my 
previous results and often just have fun taking part and giving away points 
when time is limited.  I know I'm not going to "win".  I don't feel the need 
to ask for a "100W and a mediocre dipole from a large apartment block in the 
middle of a big city with lots of QRN - oh and 13.5 hours only as I've got 
other commitments this weekend" category.


Gerry G0RTN
Vanity Page at http://www.gerrylynch.co.uk
"In days of old, when ops were bold, and sidebands not invented,
The word would pass, by pounding brass, and all were well contented." 

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