[CQ-Contest] SS...Does it need a fix?

Cqtestk4xs@aol.com Cqtestk4xs at aol.com
Mon Nov 21 22:49:06 EST 2005

Hell no!  Any idiot, once you copy the call, doesn't even have to copy the 
exchange in WW.  NA is a little more challenging.  But SS, that's a manly 
exchange.  It is the killer of exchanges to copy.  

SS also lets the little guys who have stations that may only be able to put 
out a good signal on one or two bands to be competitive.  Yes, 24 hours can be 
challenging, especially to an old phart of 59.  Remember though, it's 24 out 
of 30.  

One vote to keep the contest the way it is.  By the way, I worked a ton of 05 
checks this year, and tried to tell each of them "Welcome to Sweepstakes!" at 
the end of the QSO.

One other thing, I hear guys use SCP during SS.  I love SCP, but how the hell 
are you going to copy the exchange if you can't even get his call?

K4XS .......SSing for 40+ years (I still remember the time as part of the 

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