[CQ-Contest] zero pointers etc

k8gt@twmi.rr.com k8gt at twmi.rr.com
Tue Nov 29 13:50:44 EST 2005

Don't forget that while we can get our zone mults from VE, we all need 
one W/K country 
mult per band, and that may account for some of your zero pointers.   In 
CQWW phone, I 
called one station for the W/K mult and was blown off, "DX only", so 
yes, it is time for 
one pointers from one's own country.  How are we supposed to get a W/K 
mult per band 
otherwise?  Do I have to talk my buddy across town, who's not a 
contester, to get on and 
give me a Q on 160 - 10?

73, Gerry K8GT

----- Original Message -----
From: "Steve.Root at culligan.com" <steve.root at culligan4water.com>
Date: Tuesday, November 29, 2005 8:54 am
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] zero pointers etc

> I had about the same percentage of zero pointers in a part time 
> single op
> effort here.  In past years I've gotten QSL requests from some of 
> these guys
> and I would expect the same to happen this year.  The way I look 
> at it, this
> is as an opportunity to be a good ambassador of contesting.  I 
> work the guy,
> I thank the guy, I send him a card if he wants one.  Maybe some of 
> thosezero pointers will be there in the next WPX or SS.
> And from beyond the Black Hole it's nice to get answers to CQ's 
> even if it
> is a zero pointer :)
> 73 Steve K0SR

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