[CQ-Contest] 2005 Makrothen RTTY - All 3830 Claimed Scores 13Oct2005

mwdink@eskimo.com mwdink at eskimo.com
Thu Oct 13 11:16:47 EDT 2005

2005 Makrothen RTTY - All 3830 Claimed Scores 13Oct2005

NOTE: This list is NOT a list of submitted logs received by the contest sponsor. It is based solely on the claimed scores posted to the 3830 reflector via the web forms available at the 3830 Score Web Page shown below.

Submit logs by: November 15, 2005
E-mail logs to: tmc-rtty at arcor.de
Mail logs to:
3830 Score Web Page - http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/
Submission info ( tnx WA7BNM) - http://www.hornucopia.com/contestcal/
Contest Station Database - http://www.pvrc.org/

73 dink

Call               QSOs   hr      Score Club
All SO/Multi Xcvr HP
AI9T               667    19  3,655,086 
AD4EB              661    17  3,410,272 TCG
W1AJT/VE3          176   5.3  1,001,752 CCO

Call               QSOs   hr      Score Club
All SO/Multi Xcvr LP
LZ2BE             1121    23  4,411,168 

Call               QSOs   hr      Score Club
All SO/Single Xcvr HP
RD3A(RD3AF)        941    24 39,674,720 
KM4M(W3BP)         928  22.5  5,682,597 NNCC
K4GMH              882        5,545,747 PVRC
WA2ETU             768    21  4,311,884 
7X0RY             1050    22  4,159,142 OL1RY
F6IRF              777    23  4,101,726 
VE1OP              816  16.5  3,922,077 Maritime Contest Clu
YO9HP              865    20  3,748,427 
K9MUG              427    14  2,651,385 SECC
YL9T(YL2TW)        834    24  2,620,254 Lithuanian DX

OH2BP              661    19  2,500,000 CCF
9M2CNC(@9M2RPN)    244     6  2,164,722 BARTG
JA1BNW             274    22  2,086,536 RTTYCJ
SV3EXU             531        2,036,925 sy3y team contest
W6WRT              331    10  1,801,998 
F4JRC              294        1,460,026 
NA2M               241        1,204,388 Order of Boiled Owls
KB1JZU             185   ~12  1,175,905 YCCC
DJ3IW              197        1,169,218 DRCG
SV1CER             337     9  1,128,832 NGCT

W7DPW              200    10  1,118,829 WVDXC
KU5S               224    ~8  1,056,856 
N8RMF(@W8FT)       195  8.26    980,666 MRRC
DL4RCK             173     4    967,529 DRCG
F5CQ               235    16    957,564 LNDX
G3UHU              256  13.5    916,898 Chiltern DX Club
W7WW               197     8    778,341 SCCC
W5MCK              225    13    766,904 
S56A               183     4    643,486 SKY CC
SQ5RK              117     3    599,672 

N6QQ(@W6KGS)       131     4    587,371 SCCC
WK6I                57   1.5    284,711 NCCC
W4BCG               72     4    221,388 TCG

Call               QSOs   hr      Score Club
All SO/Single Xcvr LP
YV6BTF             640    23  4,610,351 R. C. Venezolano
YB5BO              342    13  3,050,664 
W3LL               448    14  2,704,814 PVRC
SV1DPI             653    20  2,592,610 RAAWG
RD3BD              616    17  2,379,525 
VA1CHP             482        2,265,945 Maritime Contest Clu
WB2RHM             401    20  2,019,886 Carolina DX Assn
W1BYH              406        1,979,713 YCCC
K4WW               415    18  1,958,361 KCG
VE3GSI             396        1,891,253 

N6WS               257  16.2  1,731,386 SCCC
W8UL               270    10  1,505,316 
VA3PC              282    17  1,449,874 CCO
4X6UU              302        1,343,057 
YB0DPO             168        1,321,296 
K2PAL              293 16:31  1,274,950 COCOSOLO SIBICHI CLU
VE3ESH             285    15  1,186,313 CCO
GU0SUP             307        1,117,599 BARTG
TF3KX              281    10  1,018,242 
W4DJ               143     7    848,024 NWFCC

HB9DTM             200          841,860 F8KCF Contest Gang
AK0A               242          813,957 Kansas City DX Club
VA7ST              184    10    809,920 
VE2FK              197     5    798,917 
VE3FH              189 14.40    787,256 CCO
G3LDI              135     3    752,370 BARTG
MW0CRI(DAVID)      235   6.5    726,832 chiltern
OZ2JP              202          590,615 
I0QM               191     7    578,837 
OZ0F               235    12    535,948 

K1GU                97          496,012 TCG
DL8MBS             121     6    449,128 
N1UZ                90  4:52    373,753 
KJ7NO              110          372,419 
N5IET              119  6.65    362,864 CTDXCC
WA8SDA              84          335,749 
IK3WUB             112          328,617 
SV1JMO             130     3    316,713 
DJ6JH              100   6,5    313,995 
DF4WC               67          295,348 

UT2UZ           281489     2    281,489 Kyiv Contest Group
WA4OSD              63          247,316 TCG
AA9DY               71     7    190,810 SMC
DL5JWL              65          180,417 
NG7Z                41   2.5    155,176 WWDXC
YO4CVV              71          137,758 
M5AEX               51          130,532 BARTG
ON5KQ               21 42min     43,274 

Call               QSOs   hr      Score Club
All SO/Single Xcvr QRP
SM3JUR             402        1,127,926 


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