[CQ-Contest] An Innocent Question about Grid-4's/Grid-Fields and HF

Radiosporting Fan radiosporting at yahoo.com
Sun Oct 16 08:48:21 EDT 2005

> > Why hasn't HF embraced the idea of working
> > Grid-4's or Grid-Fields (10x10 Grid-4's) more?

--- "Kenneth E. Harker" <kenharker at kenharker.com>

> One of the most popular contests on 160 meters uses
> grid locators:
> http://jzap.com/k7rat/stew.html

I know of a very small number of events that do so
(one that you pointed out).  Grid-4 or Grid-Field
based scoring for HF events seems non-political and
easy to implement, yet it isn't (for the v-a-s-t
majority of HF events).  Why is that?

Ev, W2EV

Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005 

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