[CQ-Contest] CQ Contest Live audio

herbs@surfvi.com herbs at surfvi.com
Tue Oct 25 14:53:32 EDT 2005

Quoting David Robbins K1TTT <k1ttt at arrl.net>:

> Lets see, if you are listening to the streaming while you work him and copy
> your exchange over the internet because he has his monitor function on does
> that count or not?  I wonder how many stations will call just to listen to
> themselves?
> Dave,

To derive much benefit from contest streaming snooping is very problematic.
The latency issues will drive many nuts especially those with satellite
services such as Directway where the typical latency exceeds 1000ms!  You can
try www.dslreports.com and get an idea about the travel time to various parts
of the world.  Under 100ms is about what most could tolerate on CW during a
contest and that would take some practice to get used to the timing.  It
certainly may also give timing problems during a fast op dx-pedition.  But it
sure beats not hearing anything.

As for the contest the idea of remote stations are cutting-edge frontier stuff
that someday will be as come as computer logging.  Soon someone will have a
totally on line contest like a video game or awards for pinging the most and
rarest IP addresses in a weekend....but please not when the World Series are
in full swing.


Herb Schoenbohm, KV4FZ

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