[CQ-Contest] Contests during Katrina recovery

Jim Monahan K1PX at msn.com
Sat Sep 3 07:26:44 EDT 2005

I don't want to open a can of worms but I think that it would be a good
idea to suspend contests for the time being while the recovery efforts 
are getting underway.

It is likely that there will be those who don't get the word about the
nets or realize other activities associated with these communications.

Amateurs are soon to be deployed into the Gulf coast area now that it is
secured to assist in communication efforts.

While there are established nets, I have heard several examples over the
last few days of impromptu traffic handling on various other frequencies.

Maybe it can be our contribution to the effort for those who cannot participate

73, Jim, K1PX

K1PX at msn.com<mailto:K1PX at msn.com>

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