[CQ-Contest] Interference help

Jacob W Tennant k8jwt at adelphia.net
Sat Sep 10 00:52:41 EDT 2005

I am trying to get rid of a 60Hz hum/growl I have on every band.

It starts at 60 Hz and then every 60Hz thereafter and it is killing any 
chance of real contesting attempts I may try as on 20 meters it obliterates 
all but the strongest PSK-31 or RTTY signals plus is starting to give me a 
headache when operating for long periods of time.

I have run grounding system for everything I can radio,tuner,power 
supply,computer, even the the metal frame of my desk is grounded but it is 
still there at around a S5 or greater level on 20 meters and lower on the 
higher bands.

Jacob Tennant - K8JWT 

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