[CQ-Contest] CQWW Multi-Single Rule

Bill Turner dezrat1242 at ispwest.com
Tue Sep 13 11:17:47 EDT 2005

At 06:56 PM 9/12/2005, Randy Thompson wrote:

>"1. Single Transmitter (MS): Only one transmitter and one band permitted
>any 10-minute period, defined as starting with the first logged QSO on a
>Exception: One-and only one-other band may be used during any 10-minute
>if-and only if-the station worked is a new multiplier. Logs found in
>violation of the 10-minute rule will automatically be reclassified as
>Read carefully, it says you have one transmitter operating under the
>10-minute rule for band changes.  Then you can have another band
>(transmitter) that can work multipliers that has its own 10-minute rule.
>Nothing about only one transmitted signal between the two.
>While it could be worded much clearer, all of the CQ multi-single operations
>I have participated in have had two transmitters (sometimes transmitting at
>the same time).


As I read it, the "exception" is for another band, not another transmitter. 
In other words, you may use your one and only transmitter on a second band 
for a new multiplier. Regardless of how I try to stretch the 
interpretation, I can not see where two transmitters are allowed. Is this 

73, Bill W6WRT

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