[CQ-Contest] CQWW Multi-Single Rule

Alfred J. Frugoli (KE1FO) afrugoli at verizon.net
Wed Sep 14 21:00:06 EDT 2005

I've been contesting for 10 years now.  I've made my way through several 
different situations and stations that have brought me into contact with 
many other contesters with more experience than I.  I've NEVER heard of 
either of these publications until now.  Seems like yet another way that 
the CQ contest committee could enhance it's communication with the 
contest community.

Bruce Horn wrote:

Although I agree that the published rules could be clearer on the M/S 
issue, the fine details of M/S operation in CQWW are provided in the CQWW 
Contest Handbook published in 1994 by Bob Cox, K3EST.

Randy Thompson wrote:

>The "official" interpretation of many rules were codified in the CQ WW DX
>Contest CD ROM (1999).
73 de Al, KE1FO


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