[CQ-Contest] Longest Callsign Possible?

Zack Widup w9sz at prairienet.org
Mon Sep 19 09:09:40 EDT 2005

On Mon, 19 Sep 2005, john devoldere, ON4UN wrote:

> With all due respect, I do not  think this is 100% correct.
> In WRC 2003 it was decided by the ITU that the suffix can now be ANY length,
> and that the last digit in the suffix MUST ne a letter (cannot be a figure).
> So a call like HB80IRAUREHION1 is NOK but HB80IARUREGIONONE  is OK....
> Who wants to use that anyhow...
> 73
> John, ON4UN	

Heehee - under week signal conditions that would be verrry interesting!

I had enough trouble just getting "EN61gq" across on CW in the 10 GHz 
contest yesterday.   :-]

73, Zack W9SZ

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