[CQ-Contest] Eu Sprint Contest 2006

Paul O'Kane pokane at ei5di.com
Mon Apr 3 16:21:12 EDT 2006

> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "I2UIY" i2uiy at cqww.com

> This e-mail is to invite all contesters to have a go in
> the European Sprint contests 2006.

I've updated SD for the EU Sprint 2006.  V12.16 runs on any
Windows PC and is free from www.ei5di.com/sd/sdsetup.exe.

In particular, SD now supports ESM in both Run and S&P modes for
the CW event, and clearly shows what mode you're in and what the
next Enter will send.  The mode is toggled after every QSO.

The exchange is hard-coded in the recommended format for Run or
S&P as appropriate - there's no need to change F2 or any other

Paul EI5DI


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