[CQ-Contest] wpx ssb spotting report

Mark Bailey kd4d at comcast.net
Tue Apr 4 22:00:33 EDT 2006

Hi Rich:

You left the TNC at N3HBX set to NN3W.  We didn't figure out
to reset it until after WPX SSB, so we made some spots
using your call.  (The "hidden" command is MYCALL.  I hadn't dealt
with a real TNC in a while and had to dig up a manual to figure
out how to reset it).

Sorry about that!  But, you're the one who changed the TNC
setting.  :-)  No conspiracy in this case...and we were M/2!


Mark, KD4D

Richard DiDonna NN3W wrote:
> Speaking of spotting reports, I was doing a couple searches on DX-Summit to
> check on the times for a QSO I made with TY5WP, when, to my amazement I
> found that I had spotted no less than 30 or 40 stations in the WPX SSB.
> What is so amazing about this is the fact that I did not spot anyone the
> entire weekend.  My Saturday from 1600z to 1900z was spent with my family to
> celebrate my son's third birthday.
> So, to find spots using my call is quite interesting indeed.
> 73 Rich NN3W

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