[CQ-Contest] Question on Log Checking

Roland Guidry rguidry at na5q.us
Sun Apr 9 18:32:09 EDT 2006

Thanks to all the responses. That clear it up for me...

Roland NA5Q

-----Original Message-----
From: Bob Naumann - W5OV [mailto:W5OV at W5OV.com] 
Sent: Sunday, April 09, 2006 2:09 PM
To: 'Roland Guidry'; cq-contest at contesting.com
Subject: RE: [CQ-Contest] Question on Log Checking


-N means that you were not in that log.  It was also determined that it was
your mistake, indicated by the minus (-) sign preceding the N.  As a result,
you received a penalty for that QSO.

The # in parentheses is the number of logs that claim a qso with that


Bob W5OV

-----Original Message-----
From: Roland Guidry [mailto:na5q at w5ddl.org]
Sent: Sunday, April 09, 2006 9:41 AM
To: cq-contest at contesting.com
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Question on Log Checking

Just received my log report for the CQWW SSB 2005 Contest. I had several
contacts marked    -N, but next to each was a very high number, for example:
  3 -N F6KHM (2037)
19 -N YT7A (1301)
..... and so on.
Does the number in parenthesis note the number of logs reporting a contact
with the station? Is the -N because they did not turn in a log, so it could
not be checked?
In my case, I had 11 QSO's with the -N. 
So I was wondering if I was thinking about it the right way.
Roland NA5Q
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