[CQ-Contest] FLA QSO PARTY : 22-23 APRIL
t0ad at juno.com
Tue Apr 18 20:31:05 EDT 2006
This is a SPECIAL INVITATION to all our Radio Sport Brothers who stay in
touch with the REAL world via eHam.net & Contesting.com:
FLORIDA QSO PARTY - April 22-23, 2006
I know two things for sure about RadioSport ... (1) most of us who get
this "ate up" have some "killer-capable" stations and (2) many of us
havent been meeting up to our seperate Clubs' Charters and supporting
our friends in the Contest Community by staying as Radio Active as we'd
hope to. Here's a great chance for redemption, and it would be a
personal thrill for me to hear EVERY ONE OF YOU in the FLORIDA QSO PARTY
this weekend ... and be sure ... we appreciate your participation in the
Florida QSO Party in the past!
The 2006 FQP IS just a little over 3 DAYS AWAY...
APRIL 22nd and 23rd 2006
The 2005 results have been posted on the FQP web site at:
Check out the awards this Club hands out to the Deserving ... be the
first to work all 67 counties and you bring home one of the most coveted
pieces of wood that hangs on a few select walls anywhere in the World.
Of the 30 awards listed at http://www.floridaqsoparty.org/plaque.html -
more than half of them are given for Out-Of-State achievements.
We'll have both SSB operators and some real QRQ CW operators handing out
counties all across the State. The list of declared mobile plans already
and still growing daily
speaks for itself. If youve never
taken a long weekend to come down here and be part of the mobile
mayhem or might wonder why guys travel from states far away just to be
part of this thing during FQP weekend, then ask any of the guys who have
theyll tell you straight away that being in the FQP, either as an
in-state mobile, or trying to keep up with them from their out-of-state
home stations is definitely one of the funnest" weekend events ... the
Granddaddy WWs included ... that they've ever gotten into.
At our FQP website ( http://www.floridaqsoparty.org/ ) rules are being
read, planned routes are being explored, county abbreviation lists are
being downloaded, and generally, EVERYBODY who had time over the weekend
has been checking it out and making plans for their personal assault on
us Florida Boys
So everyone, get on this weekend in the FQP and bring that #1 USA Club
win home to roost proudly with the other wood your Club has earned. And
what about a case of real Louisiana Hot Sauce ... that's one way to spice
up the hottest QSO Party of the year!
The FQP is not a challenge
its like a family gathering
a reunion
friends hear and work friends, but the fury, pace and Adrienne rush
definitely makes for A DONT MISS WEEKEND.
This year's "party" going to be an absolute BLAST this weekend. The hit
counter on our website at http://www.floridaqsoparty.org/ is peaking in
the high hundreds each day now. If fun was worth money, you'll be
Millionaires this weekend if you come together as a Force and every
member, to the one, comes up on 15, 20 and 40 meters to let these guys in
Florida know the world is hearing us.
73 and thanks for your FQP support!
President, Florida Contest Group
(N4M/m during the 2006 FQP)
Frank/K4EJ (ex KA0GGI)
(2005 FCG Contest Season official Score Keeper)
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