[CQ-Contest] WPX SSB Cabrillo Request

Radiosporting Fan radiosporting at yahoo.com
Sat Apr 29 23:00:07 EDT 2006

Hello List,
A few days ago I asked if anyone had done an analysis
of prefixes-as-logged to determine which ones were
rarest.  I got a ton of "great question" type
responses, but no one with any real info.

I will offer to run the analysis, if anyone is willing
to send me their cabrillo logs for the SSB WPX events
from the past three years.

SSB only, please.  That's where my interest lies.  If
someone is interested in CW then they can step up and
offer do do that analysis. :)

I promise to publish the results to the list for
everyone's benefit.

If you scored 1-million points + and are in North
America...I would really love to get your cabrillo
logs for the past three years.  Please send them

Ev Tupis, W2EV (probably a very rare PX...not)

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