[CQ-Contest] [WriteLog] Multi tests in 1 wkend

Tim Gardner n9lf at yahoo.com
Sun Apr 30 19:40:01 EDT 2006

Jim, et al:

> Note that the contest sponsors (log checkers) could
> throw out the 
> QSOs automatically that don't qualify.  I don't know
> if they will be 
> equipped to do so.

For what it is worth, the Indiana QSO Party (INQP) log
checking will handle this situation. Any QSOs in the
log that do not have the proper INQP exchange are
ignored by the software.  

The original questioner spoke of only the 7QP and
NEQP, but the INQP and Marac contests will also be on
the air (with various overlapping times) May 6-7. 
Please work us all!

Tim - N9LF (INQP log checker)

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