[CQ-Contest] The ARRL is Correct [was: ARRL says no to opening logs...]

Radiosporting Fan radiosporting at yahoo.com
Mon Aug 14 15:09:12 EDT 2006

> here is the new rule:
> 5. The presentation in any public forum of logs or
> other representations of station operation showing
> details of station activity or other information
> from which all essential QSO elements (time, date,
> band, mode and callsign) for individual contacts can
> be derived creates a question as to the integrity of
> the claimed QSOs with that station during the period
> encompassed by the log.

During the "heat of competition", there must be some
key aspect of a contact that is restricted from
general view -- known only to the stations involved. 
Otherwise, contestants can use the "public display
board" to fill-in missed information.  This isn't just
a "potential" problem ... it has been documented as

When QSLing, the "heat of competition" ends only when
both parties have exchanged QSL'd.

When contesting, the "heat of competition" ends on the
log-submission date.

Until the competition (either QSLing or submitting the
contest log) has reached it's logical end, anyone can
"fudge" the numbers to make them whatever they want
them to be.

Ev, W2EV

PS: This is the very reason that the RFSport.com
"Realtime Scoreboard and Logging System" will mask the
callsign of the displayed entries until the end of the

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