[CQ-Contest] ARRL says no to opening logs...

Stuart Santelmann KC1F kc1f at adelphia.net
Mon Aug 14 19:10:30 EDT 2006

> STOP RIGHT THERE!  How do you claim a 'busted call' to get a card??  If 
> your
> call isn't in their log, how do you get a card???
> I know that if I receive a QSL and it doesn't match my log, but at the 
> same
> time, date and frequency I find a call in my log that I apparently busted
> (the call is off by one character i.e,. I have K4DAI and I get a card from
> K4BAI,) I will QSL that QSO.
> 73, Ken, K6LA / VY2TT


I used to do the same thing - for our modest DXpeditions from FS 15 years 
ago I would QSL calls that looked busted on my end.  Now as we lurch into 
the 21st century I think I would still do that, as any DXpedition I go on is 
pretty unlikely to be rare enough so that people would have to resort to 
cheating for a DXCC credit.  Any country that I DXpedition to is unlikely to 
even require documentation to be accepted, hi.

Stu        KC1F 

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