[CQ-Contest] Contest reports and awards (DXCC etc)
Richard DiDonna NN3W
nn3w at cox.net
Mon Aug 14 20:59:00 EDT 2006
I think the ARRL is making provisions for situations where a signal report
is not exchanged, but a QSO is made. For example, in the North American QSO
party, the contest exchange is name and state/province or simply DX if
you're doing the contest from Jamaica or even Germany (there is no
prohibition on who enters - just that the multipliers are based on North
American entities). As there is no signal report, are all QSOs
automatically ineligible for DXCC credit simply because the obligatory and
perfunctory 599 or 59 is not part of the exchange???
While we're on QSO credit, contests and DXCC, has anybody proposed to the
League to give DXCC credit to QSOs based upon contest logs??? With log
checking software, the contest log checking software is indeed verifying
that a QSO took place between two stations on a certain mode and on a
certain date, and that the QSO time is within specified time ranges. The
contest branch and awards branch should work together to allow a station to
flag a QSO in a contest log for DXCC credit once the QSO been verified by
log checking software - with the appropriate paperless fee of course.....
Busted Qs, incorrect exchanges, NILs and unchecked calls are denied. I
would also deny uniques...
If the ARRL wants to make LoTW accessable, this would be one way!
73 Rich NN3W
----- Original Message -----
From: "Martin Luther" <luther7 at bigpond.com>
To: "Group VKCC" <vkcc at yahoogroups.com>; "Cq-Contest"
<cq-contest at contesting.com>
Sent: Monday, August 14, 2006 7:38 PM
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Contest reports and awards (DXCC etc)
>A number of local contests here in VK/ZL have taken the view that
> reports are irrelevant and we should just send serial numbers. I
> recently received a request to upload a local contest log to LOTW as a
> contact with me was required for a certificate.
> To complete the log I inserted 59/599 into the sent exchange.
> Subsequently I have thought some more about this and wonder what others
> think of this situation.
> The ARRL DXCC relevant rule states:
> 4. Confirmation data for two-way communications must include the call
> signs of both stations, the Entity name as shown in the DXCC List, mode,
> and date, time and band. Except as permitted in Rule 1
> <http://www.arrl.org/awards/dxcc/rules.html#si1> , cross-mode contacts
> are not permitted for DXCC credits. Confirmations not containing all
> required information may be rejected.
> The WAS rule is a little ambiguous as it mentions reports
> Two-way communications must be established on amateur bands with each
> state. Specialty awards and endorsements must be two-way (2X) on that
> band and/or mode. There is no minimum signal report required. Any or all
> bands may be used for general WAS. The District of Columbia may be
> counted for Maryland.
> Other awards sampled are similar so there doesn't appear to be a rules
> requirement to exchange reports. Despite that I am still uncomfortable -
> just getting old I guess!
> So the only real requirement is to fill up all the boxes in my own
> logging systems!
> Is it ethical to log a report that was not given over the air although
> the exchange of numbers established that communications did in fact take
> place?
> An aside to those that argue we should drop the report. It is noticeable
> where the report is dropped that there is a greater tendency to send
> things like "vk1xxx ur 001" or "vk1xxx nr 001". Where I tried "vk1xxx
> 001" I mostly had to do a repeat - I settled on "vk1xxx 001 001" which
> worked 95% of the time. I am quite content that the argument for 59 as a
> prosign for the serial is correct. At least for "normal" operators - as
> opposed to human contest machines Hi!
> Martin VK7GN
> <mailto:VK7GN at Bigpond.com> VK7GN at Bigpond.com
> Tel +61 3 62602600
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