[CQ-Contest] Contest reports and awards (DXCC etc)

Ron Notarius W3WN wn3vaw at verizon.net
Tue Aug 15 06:54:12 EDT 2006

Now there's some irony for you.

Contest logs (at least for ARRL contests) were acceptable for DXCC credit
way back in the "golden age" (1945 - mid '60's), a practice I understand was
discontinued sometime around the early 1960's when the number of log
submissions rose to the point where it was impractical.  Remember, this was
the days of paper logs and manual handling thereof!

For years at Hamvention, the question came up almost annually at the DX
forum about if, when, and/or how this process could be reinstated in some
manner, especially in the advent of electronic logging and (eventually)
email and electronic log submissions (and I was one of many people asking
that question).  For many years, the answer was "one day" or "we're looking
into it," which I was privately told by other DX'ers meant that the ARRL's
computer system at the time couldn't handle it.

And then they did work on it, and finally came up with Logbook of the World.
Not a perfect system, but a very good start that will (I hope) improve with

So now... we come full circle.  Why don't we give contest logs credit?  This
would give LotW credibility!  (I'm paraphrasing here)  But that is one of
the purposes of LotW, to GIVE contest logs credit -- just digitally sign
them and submit them!

Irony.  Gotta love it.

73, ron w3wn

-----Original Message-----
Date: Mon, 14 Aug 2006 20:59:00 -0400
From: "Richard DiDonna NN3W" <nn3w at cox.net>
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] Contest reports and awards (DXCC etc)
To: "Martin Luther" <luther7 at bigpond.com>, "Group VKCC"
	<vkcc at yahoogroups.com>,	"Cq-Contest" <cq-contest at contesting.com>

I think the ARRL is making provisions for situations where a signal report
is not exchanged, but a QSO is made.  For example, in the North American QSO
party, the contest exchange is name and state/province or simply DX if
you're doing the contest from Jamaica or even Germany (there is no
prohibition on who enters - just that the multipliers are based on North
American entities).  As there is no signal report, are all QSOs
automatically ineligible for DXCC credit simply because the obligatory and
perfunctory 599 or 59 is not part of the exchange???

While we're on QSO credit, contests and DXCC, has anybody proposed to the
League to give DXCC credit to QSOs based upon contest logs???  With log
checking software, the contest log checking software is indeed verifying
that a QSO took place between two stations on a certain mode and on a
certain date, and that the QSO time is within specified time ranges.  The
contest branch and awards branch should work together to allow a station to
flag a QSO in a contest log for DXCC credit once the QSO been verified by
log checking software - with the appropriate paperless fee of course.....
Busted Qs, incorrect exchanges, NILs and unchecked calls are denied.  I
would also deny uniques...

If the ARRL wants to make LoTW accessable, this would be one way!

73 Rich NN3W

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