[CQ-Contest] Leveling the Geographic Playing Field [was:Why didtheCanadians (PT5M) beat the Americans]

Radiosporting Fan radiosporting at yahoo.com
Wed Aug 23 08:40:38 EDT 2006

--- Don Field <don.field at gmail.com> wrote:

> There's only one way to truly level the playing
> field and that's to sit all the ops at a computer
> and get them contesting with Morse Runner or
> whatever.  No variability in antennas, take-off
> angle, terrain, QRN, etc. But is that REALLY what
> WRTC is about?

There are ways of approximating a level playing field.
 It happens in sporting events all the time whether it
be NASCAR, Baseball, Soccer, etc.  In some cases,
technical restrictions are imposed (NASCAR) while in
others, financial restrictions are applied (such as
salary caps).

The trick is to find out what combination of factors
essentially level the radiosporting playing field and
refine them over time.

As for radio sports..."level" doesn't mean "good",
just equal.  With that in mind, as long as the 50
teams all experience the same technical and
environmental conditions -- the central plains of
Siberia are just as "level" as a Carib beach front. :)

Ev, W2EV

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