[CQ-Contest] Adding MS-DOS to a WindowsXP Computer

Mike Reagan mreagan at preciscom.net
Sun Dec 3 15:09:26 EST 2006

In our contest station we have 3 identical second hand DEll's with their
original software WIN 98 SE. They cost $80 ea three years ago from a second
hand office supplier. They work great with WL. and DW4WIN....We use the
internal sound card for phone and either LPT port keying or an external
keyer depending on the ops preference for CW..... They require a bit of
support but one of our crew keeps the going...and what is XP???
Mike Reagan
Price, Utah

----- Original Message ----- 
From: <steve.root at culligan4water.com>
To: <cq-contest at contesting.com>
Sent: Sunday, December 03, 2006 6:59 AM
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] Adding MS-DOS to a WindowsXP Computer

> We need to upgrade the PC used at W0ZT's, so I've been following this
thread with some interest. I just wonder why it seems so important to run
XP. Given:
>  - N1MM, DX4WIN, WL, etc. all are supported on Win98SE
>  - I've run TR in a DOS window over Win98SE for years with no problems
>  - Win98SE uses "real" DOS and has a built in ability to let you start in
"Command Prompt only"
> Then why would I want to load Windows XP and have to worry about dual
boot, port issues, and all ther rest? What am I missing here? Why not just
load 98 and be done with it?
> Thanks !
> Steve K0SR
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