[CQ-Contest] Another angle on assisted versus "being helped",

Tree tree at kkn.net
Mon Dec 4 16:35:12 EST 2006

VE4XT asks:

> You're just about to call him when it dawns on you: he's on the same 
> frequency he was when the random act of kindness was visited upon you.
> Do ya work 'im?
> If yes, then at what point does the "assistance" expire?
> If no, then is it really fair that your kind caller at 3 p.m. gets to deny 
> you a sweep? (Evil devil's advocate mode on: couldn't that then become a 
> strategy to deny rivals a sweep?)

This really helps paint a clear picture on why exchanging this type of 
information is best not done at all (if you are unassisted).

In the case you outline - since I found the station without the use of
the assistance - I would have a clear conscience working him...  but it
would have just been a lot better if the original act of kindness had 
never occurred.  

Certainly if someone had heard the act of kindness - and they later hear
me work the station on that frequency, their perception would reasonably
be that I used the information.  

It just gets back to - if you aren't making it known that you are missing
a multiplier - then none of this will happen - which is the best situation.

Tree N6TR/7

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