[CQ-Contest] Another angle on assisted versus "being helped"

Paul J. Piercey p.piercey at nl.rogers.com
Mon Dec 4 17:55:01 EST 2006

> -----Original Message-----
> From: cq-contest-bounces at contesting.com 
> [mailto:cq-contest-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of 
> George Fremin III
> Sent: December 4, 2006 21:22
> To: Kelly Taylor
> Cc: Tree; cq-contest at contesting.com
> Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] Another angle on assisted versus 
> "being helped"


> But that is not what Tree is really talking about in his last 
> few posts.  He is talking about a case where I ask folks to 
> tell me where the mults I need are on the bands in the course 
> of my operating.
> Clearly asking for assistance is what Tree has been talking 
> about and one of his points is that in this day and age of 
> the highly connected DX spotting systems you have to be more 
> careful about what you ask for because you will likely get an answer.

Sorry, George, but it isn't. Tree has repeated referred to random comments
given without request as being "assistance".

> And, yes the rules might not be quite up to date - but again 
> we are talking about the intent and sprit of the rules - and 
> I think those are pretty clear.
> I have not been doing the SS as long as some others but, in 
> all of my years doing it I have never been under the 
> impression that it was
> *ever* ok for me to ask folks that I was working on the radio 
> during the contest where to find the mults that I was 
> missing.  Indeed I have always understood that if I did this 
> I would be way over the line of what sort of actions are 
> allowed for a single operator in the sweepstakes.
> I hope I was clear enough - I am witting this much to 	quickly.

This the the whole point of this discussion. To ask is to request assistance
and should be treated as such. To get without asking is to be the recipient
of good fortune and, if it wasn't prearranged, is OK.

73 -- Paul VO1HE

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