[CQ-Contest] OMG...another post on....ASSISTED? Yes (sorry)
kr2q at optonline.net
kr2q at optonline.net
Mon Dec 4 20:21:04 EST 2006
HI all:
Somewhere inside, I just know that I am going to regret posting this. LOL
Let's revisit the original wonderful example about changing the flat tire.
1. Vehicle operator discovers they have a flat (missing mult?)
2. Good neighbor ('our' for my QE speaking friends) pulls over and offers to help
(spot the mult)
1. Vehicle operator chooses to accept the assistance of the good neighbor, -OR-
2. Vehicle operator acknowledges the offer but says "no thanks."
If you are in the Single Op (unassisted, unlimited, whatever) category, the
simple offering of information does not put you into the assisted/unlimited category
If you make the conscious decision to USE that information, then you are accepting
assistance and you should change your category to assisted/unlimited. Whether or
not you actually are successful in your newly discovered assistance is not relevant.
Once you choose to accept it and do something with it, you have tacitly agreed
to now be assisted/unlimited.
Someone (several folks?) said (paraphrasing), "That must be why there is no rule about it."
I disagree; there is a rule (are rules) about it.
In ARRL under the General rules for HF, (2.2.1) it clearly states that USE OF SPOTTING
Here is the excerpt:
2.1.Single Operator: One person performs all transmitting, receiving, and logging functions
as well as equipment and antenna adjustments.
2.1.1.Use of spotting assistance or nets (operating arrangements involving other individuals,
DX-alerting nets, packet, Internet, etc) is not permitted.
2.2.Single Operator Assisted: One person performs all transmitting, receiving, and logging
functions as well as equipment and antenna adjustments.
2.2.1.Use of spotting assistance or nets (operating arrangements involving other individuals,
DX-alerting nets, packet, etc) not physically located at the station is permitted.
[end snip]
Having somebody "stop by" and give you information that you later USE, is clearly defined.
There is nothing about your intent, nothing about solicitation, only something about USE
And very important (IMHO) is that the term USE is not further defined as SUCCESSFUL use.
It just says USE.
In CQWWDX, we find similar language ( http://www.cqww.com/WW%20Rules%202006.pdf ):
A. Single Operator Categories: [snip]
1. Single Operator, High: Those stations at which one person performs all of the operating, logging, and spotting functions. The use of DX alerting assistance of any kind places the station in the Single Operator Assisted Category.
And here, I'll ask you to focus on the three key words: OF ANY KIND
It doesn't say packet, it doesn't say internet, it doesn't say VHF FM, and it sure does not
exclude INFORMATION GLEANED OVER HF DURING THE CONTEST. It does not say solicited,
it does not say anything about intent. "Any kind" means ANY KIND.
Okay...so you are minding your own business during your single op venture when suddenly,
and without warning or solicitation or intent or prearrangement, some good neighbor stops
by on your QRG and gives you some HOT mult info. What next?
You have a choice: Use it or not.
If you have that "hot" info in your brain and you knowingly pursue it, then you are clearly
(IMHO) assisted. Talk of "time delays" is meaningless. If you wait 1 hour and then go directly
to THAT frequency because it is still in your mind, you are assisted. If the info said, "VY1JA
is up 10kc" and you let 5 minutes pass and you then go down the bottom of the band and you
then start to carefully tune up the band, and AS YOU APPROACH THE MAGIC ANNOUNCED
SPOT, you think "I'm almost there, start listening, turn the antenna, etc." then you are STILL
definitely assisted.
How do you "get out it?" Simple. You ignore it completely. If you later drop to the bottom of
the band, and carefully tune up the band (or change bands or whatever) and then you have
no conscious thought of the DX assistance offered, and then you run into VY1JA, then, IMHO,
you are NOT assisted. You found him on your own.
How will the contest sponsors know? They won't. This is a matter of personal ethics and
"being true to yourself." You know very well whether or not you are USING that information
to "find" the needed mult or band opening or whatever was passed your way that you might
use to your advantage (note the use of the MIGHT). The key for me is the POTENTIAL for
score enhancement through the USE of information not your own.
Same thing if you "overhear" a conversation between two other guys. If you USE that
information, you are assisted.
If you call CQ WY or CQ zone 40, then that is NOT assisted. If you end up working that
sought after mult, it is because of YOUR action directly with the other party. If you call
CQ WY and a non-WY stops by and gives you information, we are back to the original
scenario...your choice: USE it (and be assisted) or don't use it and not be assisted.
As I hope is becoming obvious, the REAL SOLUTION is to never offer "over the air" assistance
because you are putting the "other guy" in ethical trouble....geniune dilemma: ignore it and
possibly lose the mult (bad) or USE it and have to CHANGE CATEGORIES to assisted/unlimited
(probably also BAD if you started out not assisted). Remember, a dilemma is choice between
two BAD options - damned if you do and damned if you don't.
I would love to think that this is the final word on this topic. I also would love to think that
I'll win the lottery.
Happy contesting and remember...when it comes to legal advice, you get what you pay for.
(hint, hint?).
de Doug KR2Q
Usual disclaimer: This information contained in this email should not be construed as the
opinion, official or unofficial, of any contest sponsor with which I may be associated.
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