[CQ-Contest] Declining assistance gracefully [was: OMG...another post...]

Ev Tupis w2ev at yahoo.com
Mon Dec 4 22:38:45 EST 2006

----- Original Message ----
From: "kr2q at optonline.net"
As I hope is becoming obvious, the REAL SOLUTION is to never offer "over the air" assistance because you are putting the "other guy" in ethical trouble....geniune dilemma:  ignore it and possibly lose the mult (bad) or USE it and have to CHANGE CATEGORIES to assisted/unlimited

We pride ourselves on being a largely self-policing hobby.  Let's not be afraid to bring that same attitude to the sport of radio as well...

Consider this response...

"I am entering in the unassisted category. Acting on that information is not allowed,  73 and CQ Contest..."

It wouldn't take long before all of the "good Samaritans" get the message.

Ev, W2EV

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