[CQ-Contest] OMG...another post on....ASSISTED? Yes (sorry)

Robert Naumann w5ov at w5ov.com
Tue Dec 5 02:53:12 EST 2006


There are many of us who see this as you do.

Doug and some others have a perspective that using information someone else
gives you randomly is the same thing as "using spotting assistance". I
disagree with this very fine point. 

I believe that the operator must initiate an arrangement or solicit
information from others which is essentially declaring that he wants to be
assisted and deliberately collaborate and plan or solicit information with
the cooperation of others in order to be considered an assisted entry.
Something that happens randomly does not fit that definition.

We have to remember that the assisted category came about to address the use
of packet by single ops. Somehow, randomly obtained information is
considered by some to be the same thing as connecting yourself to a packet
cluster with the intent of collecting and using spotting information.
Clearly it is not.

In the repeatedly cited likely example, someone could, knowing how rare the
VY1 mult is in SS, just casually mention to you that the VY1 is up 5. Did
you ask for this? Did you do anything to encourage the information from the
other operator? Clearly, no. In this specific scenario, you are not an
assisted entry.

While it has been asserted that you should decline this information and
ignore it, how can you honestly do that? As I get older, it is getting
easier for me to forget things I have been told (especially in vocal tones
similar to the XYL's), but can I really forget what frequency that elusive
last multiplier is on that I now know about? I would think that "VY1 on
21225" would be re-sounding in my head throughout the balance of the

I think it is unreasonable to expect someone to ignore this type of
information. The idea that you would somehow just happen to find the station
on that exact same frequency sometime later and have your mind be devoid of
any recollection of the randomly obtained information is just not reality.

On the other hand, if you ask for help in any way (thanks for the QSO, have
you heard a VY1 on?), or if you call a directional CQ (CQ VY1), and someone
else passes info along to you as a result of your directional CQ, I think we
have now crossed the line into what may put you into the assisted category
if you accept and use such non-randomly obtained information. I think the
risks of doing this should be made clear in the rules, or perhaps in a FAQ
or white paper, such as the excellent one the ARRL has published. If you
call a directional CQ announcing multipliers you need, and you get
information from someone other than a station directly providing you that
multiplier, you would then be assisted. To me this is also very clear.

But again, going back to the example of truly randomly obtained info, the
difference is still very clear to me.

The problem is, how do you prove that the information was totally random,
and how would you prove - if you ultimately work the mult - that you had not
done so remembering the randomly obtained info? You can't. And you, as an
honest single op, going it alone - not making any arrangements with anyone,
should not be concerned with this. It is really that simple. The angst over
using or not using this info is a burden you should not have to bear. You
did nothing wrong to obtain the info and you now have it. You can't
"un-have" the knowledge that the mult is where it is. I say that it is OK
for you to work that mult without hesitation or concern of being
reclassified as assisted. Just work it and move on. If it's OK to work it
after an interval, or after turning your dial a few times and "happening"
upon the mult, what's the difference? The bottom line is that there is no

Should such random help be encouraged? No. Should single ops routinely
announce what mults they need by calling directional CQ's? No. Why not?
Because this is a clear case of soliciting information from others. Any info
you get in the form of "help" should be considered assistance, and flip the
Assisted switch on your category of entry.

While it seems that we are at an impasse here, I am hopeful that this
discussion may ultimately lead to making the issue clearer for all of us.


Bob W5OV

-----Original Message-----
From: Alfred J. Frugoli (KE1FO) [mailto:afrugoli at verizon.net] 
Sent: Monday, December 04, 2006 9:51 PM
To: kr2q at optonline.net; Cq-Contest Reflector
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] OMG...another post on....ASSISTED? Yes (sorry)

I don't see how having somebody "stop by" is clearly defined.  Rule 
2.2.1 states "not physically located at the station".  Rule 2.2 talks 
about transmitting, receiving, logging and adjustments.  A friend who 
stops by and tells you that 10M is open to EU, or VY1JA is on 21035 is 
not transmitting, receiving, logging or adjusting, and he's at your 
site.  How is that clear in the rules?  Is it in the spirit of the 
rules?  Not in my opinion - but definitely not clear in the rules.

73 de Al, KE1FO

kr2q at optonline.net wrote:

2.2.Single Operator Assisted: One person performs all transmitting,
receiving, and logging functions as well as equipment and antenna

2.2.1.Use of spotting assistance or nets (operating arrangements involving
other individuals,
DX-alerting nets, packet, etc) not physically located at the station is

[end snip]

Having somebody "stop by" and give you information that you later USE, is
clearly defined.
There is nothing about your intent, nothing about solicitation, only
something about USE

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