[CQ-Contest] Random acts of kindness, Unassisted Categories, Rules, etc.

Paul O'Kane pokane at ei5di.com
Tue Dec 5 11:06:38 EST 2006

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "George Fremin III" <geoiii at kkn.net>

> Can I still enter as a single op unassisted station?
> Yes or No

I say No - you're multi-op.  It could then be argued
that if you're more than 500 metres from the other
station you should be DQd.

However, some others will say Yes, on the grounds that
what you've done is not specifically prohibited - and
you haven't used a public spotting network.

This argument will go on for ever unless contest
organisers define what assistance (lower case), if any,
is OK for single-op - whereas "Assistance" (upper-case)
refers only to the use of public spotting networks.

Since "Assistance" is not the same as "assistance",
and to avoid confusion, wouldn't it be better to refer
to Single-Op Assisted as Single-Op Networked?

Paul EI5DI

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