[CQ-Contest] Random acts of kindness

Paul J. Piercey p.piercey at nl.rogers.com
Tue Dec 5 14:02:55 EST 2006

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Bill Turner [mailto:dezrat at copper.net] 
> Sent: December 5, 2006 17:20
> To: vo1he at rac.ca
> Cc: cq-contest at contesting.com
> Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] Random acts of kindness
> On Mon, 4 Dec 2006 18:28:31 -0000, "Paul J. Piercey"
>  <p.piercey at nl.rogers.com> wrote:
> >Unless he's going to continue to give me info throughout the 
> contest, 
> >there's no way you can logically contend that he is taking 
> actions to 
> >influence the competitive environment to my exclusive advantage;
> ------------ REPLY FOLLOWS ------------
> One spot from one station given only one time can indeed 
> influence the outcome of a contest. In the first RTTY contest 
> I ever entered, I won the 7th district certificate by exactly 
> one multiplier, which I found on my own by the way. But what 
> if the mult information had been given to me by someone? 
> Biving "info throughout the contest" is not required to 
> influence the outcome, I assure you.

I'll grant you that one contact or mult can make a difference but, as I
stated and with reference to the rule quoted it the initial posting, I
believe you would have to be, provably, the only one that this "helper"
helped in order to satisfy the exclusivity criteria. When the passage
"taking actions to influence the competitive environment to my exclusive
advantage" is taken into consideration, it connotes a coordinated effort on
either his part, my part or both our parts to provide assistance to ONLY me.
What is the likelihood that someone will take it upon himself to exclusively
help you in a contest without your permission? Additionally, if everyone is
open to receiving these nuggets of info due to the nature of them being
broadcast on an open frequency, then you are no more exclusive than anyone

I'm not trying to argue with you. I'm just trying to express my
interpretation of the rules as I see them and gather the views of others in
order to ascertain whether or not my initial perspective is valid. If it is
the sentiments of the majority of contesters that acting on randomly
received snippets of information is forbidden in contests... ALL contests
equally... then the sponsors should be petitioned in order to have it
written into the rules. I'd be the first to support it.

Until then, I have to agree with Hans... if it isn't specifically forbidden,
it's expected.

73 -- Paul VO1HE

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