[CQ-Contest] 2006 9A CW - All 3830 Claimed Scores 21Dec2006

mwdink at eskimo.com mwdink at eskimo.com
Thu Dec 21 10:05:35 EST 2006

2006 9A CW - All 3830 Claimed Scores 21Dec2006

NOTE: This list is NOT a list of submitted logs received by the contest sponsor. It is based solely on the claimed scores posted to the 3830 reflector via the web forms available at the 3830 Score Web Page shown below.

Submit logs by: January 16, 2007
E-mail logs to: 9acw[at]hamradio[dot]hr
Mail logs to:
  Hrvatski RadioAmaterski Savez
for Croatian CW Contest
Dalmatinska 12
10000 Zagreb
3830 Score Web Page - http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/
Submission info ( tnx WA7BNM) - http://www.hornucopia.com/contestcal/
Contest Station Database - http://www.pvrc.org/

73 dink

Call               QSOs Mults   hr      Score Club
All M/S HP
4N1RR             1026   167    21    487,807 YU CC

Call               QSOs Mults   hr      Score Club
9A1UN(@9A1P)      1303   219    24  1,379,262 WWYC
OM3RM(@OM8A)      1158   185    21    709,660 Slovak contest group
RD3A(RD3AF)       1071   182    24    563,472 
F5IN               745   163    14    367,239 
RN3BD              602   148    11    222,740 Russian Contest Club
N4AF               282    81          112,914 
P40TA(K6TA)        304    67     5     88,172 NCCC
W3BP                91    44           25,651 NNCC
KA1DWX              77    42     5     19,740 
AA3B                83    36     2     18,936 FRC

K4BAI               69    29  3:11      7,076 SECC

Call               QSOs Mults   hr      Score Club
9A5CW              520   134  10,2    283,544 WWYC
S55M                62    32     3      7,648 WWYC
N5AW                47    28     2      6,860 CTDXCC

Call               QSOs Mults   hr      Score Club
KO1U                33    19                1 

Call               QSOs Mults   hr      Score Club
All SOSB/160 HP
OK4RQ(OK1DRQ)      100    27     2      9,720 

Call               QSOs Mults   hr      Score Club
All SOSB/160 LP
OM4JD              165    28    12     13,832 
HA6IAM              61    21     6      4,746 

Call               QSOs Mults   hr      Score Club
All SOSB/20 LP
CT3EE               71    27     3      7,209 

Call               QSOs Mults   hr      Score Club
All SOSB/40 HP
LY2IC              349    45    14     50,490 

Call               QSOs Mults   hr      Score Club
All SOSB/40 LP
YU1LA              323    41     8     40,426 
I2WIJ              189    38     4     22,344 
ES1GF              150    34     8     16,350 
PY4CEL              10     8              448 CTC

Call               QSOs Mults   hr      Score Club
All SOSB/80 HP
4L8A               566    57          183,540 
LY7M               396    48    11     59,808 Kaunas TU RC
OL8M(OK1DRQ)       290    38   5,5     43,244 
HA8GY              328    39 10 hr     41,652 

Call               QSOs Mults   hr      Score Club
All SOSB/80 LP
OR7Y(ON7YX)        201    34           22,780 UBA-NOK
DL3YM              169    34     5     19,924 

Call               QSOs Mults   hr      Score Club
9A7T              1017   213    24    940,182 Croatian CC

4N1RR        4N1JA,4N1RR
9A7T         9A2EU,9A5MR

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