[CQ-Contest] SO vs. SOA Scores

Yuri VE3DZ ve3dz at rigexpert.net
Thu Dec 21 20:53:34 EST 2006

VA3DX wrote:

>   I wonder if I lived in an apartment, and had no antennas, ham gear,
> nothing at all related to this hobby , then I went to visit my
> friend John VE3EJ. He has a mega station , with multiple
> yagis on all the bands, multiple rigs , amps etc etc etc ...
> Gosh , all that hard work HE did to get the station together...
> And all I did was sit in the chair for 48 hours...
> And I have not been assisted ???
> Glenn

Glenn, I wonder if you still lived in apartment, but drove back and forth to
VE3EJ (your example) to help him in any way you could to build his station
and then operated for 48 hours sitting in his chair. It's still his station,
but you helped with antennas and set-up a little.
Does this make you "a bit less" assisted? :-))

73   VE3DZ

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