[CQ-Contest] ADIF County Conversion Software version 4.0 - Windows GUI
Jim Reisert AD1C
jjreisert at alum.mit.edu
Wed Dec 27 15:12:03 EST 2006
Hi Bob,
I believe I now know how to do some of what you want.
I have a few other things in the queue first.
73 - Jim AD1C
At 11:27 AM 12/21/2006, Robert Chudek - KØRC wrote:
>A quick report to let you know I downloaded your
>wcounties.zip and ran it against my 2006 MN QSO
>Party log. No errors were reported, the program
>reported it converted 67 counties, and a quick
>visual cross-checking showed it converted ANO
>into MN, Anoka (as well as many other county
>names). I am running Windows XP Pro S/P 2.
>You may consider posting some statistics of the
>conversions on the display in one of your future
>versions. For example, what counties were
>recognized and converted, and how many Q's with
>each... and then there's the Q's per mode total too.
>Keep in mind I am a "data junkie" and this may
>be out of scope for your product! The contesting
>software should provide this information, but it
>would be a nice cross-check of the numbers.
>73 de Bob - KØRC in MN
>Message: 5
>Date: Wed, 20 Dec 2006 20:35:26 -0500
>From: Jim Reisert AD1C <<mailto:jjreisert at alum.mit.edu>jjreisert at alum.mit.edu>
>Subject: [CQ-Contest] ADIF County Conversion Software version 4.0 -
>Windows GUI
><mailto:dx4win at mailman.qth.net>dx4win at mailman.qth.net,
><mailto:cq-contest at contesting.com>cq-contest at contesting.com
><<mailto:20061221013535.4DFCE319A35 at dayton.contesting.com>20061221013535.4DFCE319A35 at dayton.contesting.com>
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"; format=flowed
>I have developed a Windows GUI version of my ADIF County Conversion
>program. It should work on Windows 2K/XP but I don't know about older
>operating systems. Download from this web page:
>Download wcounties.zip and extract wcounties.exe to the directory
>where your ADIF files are located. To run the program, just
>double-click on the wcounties.exe icon and then File -> Convert. It
>will prompt you for the rest of the information. By default, the
>output file name is the same as the input file name with the STATE
>abbreviation appended to the base part of the file name, i.e.
>CQP2006.ADI -> CQ2006_CA.ADI.
>This is my first Windows GUI program and I'm interested in feedback
>in any shape or form. Please try it on Windows 95/98 and let me know
>if it runs.
>I still have a lot to learn, but I hope to release other
>Windows-based programs in the future.
>73 - Jim AD1C
>Jim Reisert AD1C, 7 Charlemont Court, North Chelmsford, MA 01863
>USA +978-251-9933,
><<mailto:jjreisert at alum.mit.edu>jjreisert at alum.mit.edu>, http://www.ad1c.us
Jim Reisert AD1C, 7 Charlemont Court, North Chelmsford, MA 01863
USA +978-251-9933, <jjreisert at alum.mit.edu>, http://www.ad1c.us
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